

January 8, 2012

This week on {pinterest}

Top picks of the week from {pinterest}

Weight Watchers Taco Soup 

7 points for 1 cup! 
1 cup is A LOT. :) *NOM NOM NOM*

If the day ever comes that I find the man of my dreams get married,
I think THIS is just so sweet.
What a way to include the mother of the groom!

Now, this is my child.....
 lots of ruffles! 
i like to think of myself as a fashion chaser, i like to wear what is in style (that I can afford)
MY child WILL be stylish.
found HERE

This outfit looks so comfy but also rocker also!
i have a little gothic/rocker style deep down in me

I just so love this. ...Based on my last POST yall know how much i adore my friends.
i just love this

Well, there we go! My favorite pins from Pinterest of the week.
Everyone get ready for a new week....

the BEST bowl game of the year

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